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Dear Grad Parents/Guardians,



Please have Grads dropped off at the school at 3:00pm.   

The bus company has requested that they depart the school at 3:30pm in order to make it on time for the 5pm boarding for the cruise.  We are requesting all Grads arrive at 3:00pm at the school. The previous letter stated 4:00pm, we have adjusted it an hour earlier to accommodate for any extra traffic the buses may encounter.


SAFETY FIRST Zero tolerance for alcohol or drugs

We want to ensure this is a safe and enjoyable experience for all the Grads. No drugs or alcohol will be permitted on the buses or the cruise.   Small bags will be permitted to carry personal items such as phones, make up, etc. However, backpacks and larger bags will not be allowed.  All bags will be searched before boarding the bus and students may be asked to empty their pockets. If chaperones or cruise security suspect a Grad is intoxicated, they will not be permitted on the cruise and they will not receive a refund. In this event, their parent/guardian will be contacted to come and pick them up.


Food allergies

If your Grad has food allergies and you haven’t yet informed the committee, please email details of their dietary needs to salishdrygrad2025@gmail.com by Friday at 10am.


What to expect on cruise day: 

3:00pm Grads arrive at the school, bags are checked, registration is confirmed, they are given a wristband, and board the buses.  Please note we will not be assigning bus seats to the Grads.  They may ride the bus with whomever they choose.  If they want to ensure they ride with specific people, they need to wait for everyone in their group to receive their wristband.  Once their group has all received their wristbands, they can board the bus together.


3:30pm Buses will depart from the school and head out to 1601 Bayshore Drive in Vancouver (Magic Yacht Charters).   


5:00pm Buses arrive at 1601 Bayshore Drive (Magic Yacht Charters) and board the boat.  


6:00pm - 9:00pm Cruise time!  


9:00pm Grads disembark from the boat and board the buses to return to the school.


10:00pm Anticipated arrival of the buses.  Pick up Grads at the school.

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